Monica Vincent's art takes from the great masters as much as the pop culture icons at the centre of her work. The decorated figures - whether from Star Wars, LEGO or Disney - feature complex, digitally finished symbols layered on top of the work with the technical skill of a classicist painter. Inspired by her Brighton home and the greatest traditional tattooists of our time, the self-taught 3D and digital artist uses whatever free time she can spare sketching, photographing or manipulating her works using three-dimensional digital mapping & layering techniques.
Monica Vincent's art is all finished digitally, but beginning life on her much-thumbed sketchbook & within her extensive back catalogue of her own photography. Drawing passion and muse from a wide range of artistry, she feels equally at home adoring the works of the great masters as she does savouring the work of the greatest traditional tattooists of our time.
"I try to let my artwork speak for itself, but I love crazy patterns, ink culture and paintings that are older than the houses they hang in! If Im not designing tattoo flash, Im making my own comic book designs in my spare time. Or at least what is left of it!" says Monica.
In 2017
Monica Vincent's art was exhibited nationally for the first time following success as a local artist on the south coast. Her artistic licence has its own recognisable flavour which is based around mixing the iconic with the surreal.
"Although digital layering is nothing new in the art industry, I like to think that my take on such themes that Im currently experimenting with will at least encourage a smile rather than to impress a serious critic."