Should you change your mind about your purchase you have 14 days after the date you receive the goods to return them to us. Please note that this excludes artwork that has been customised by framing or any modifications to it. Items that are damaged and not reported to us within 24 hours of delivery cannot be returned. You must notify us as soon as possible of your intention to return the purchase either via e-mail or telephone, stating your order number and reason for the return. Your purchase must be in its original condition and packaging. If you do not have your original packing you can return your artwork directly to the gallery yourself. We cannot accept returns that have been damaged by you. We can either arrange a courier collection of the item or you must ensure the item is securely packaged and returned to:-
Westover Gallery, 4 Westover Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 2BY
Please note that unless the product is faulty or we are under a legal duty to do so you must pay the costs of the return. Please note that all returned items are subject to a quality check before refunds are processed. We will make any refunds due to you as soon as possible and within 14 days from the day on which we receive the product back from you or evidence that you have sent the product to us. Some returns may include a restocking fee, which we will make you aware of once the item has been returned.
For further information please see our Terms and Conditions of Supply.