Their Finest Hour - Original (Young Winston Churchill)
It takes a lot of chuzpah and a touch of genius to invent a new genre of art – particularly one that explodes into a full-on performance on your wall. What fun to have the power to bring a two-dimensional portrait to life if there’s a lull in your party or even if you feel a bit lonely. Take our word for it - it’ll start a whole new conversation… literally!
The artistic marriage of secretive portrait painter/street artist CHAWK with charismatic music influencer and Head of Island Records Marc Marot fuses their diverse talents - with spectacular results! Both visual artists in their own right Marot, the creator of animation, music and speech and CHAWK the portrait painter, together they deliver a perfect synthesis. At a touch, technical mobile App magic allows you to play a soundbite synonymous with the iconic portrait… as you watch and become an actual part of the performance. Experimenting with their style of “augmented reality” has reaped boundless opportunities for CHAWK & Marot and, although art has come a long way since images of Stone Age animals were scratched on cave walls, this exciting collaboration could reinvent art all over again in the 21st century.
Download the Artivive app & scan the QR code to watch the artwork come to life.
Their Finest Hour - Original
Original mix media on glass
Framed Size: 45 x 55cm
Comes Framed